I did my hair (it's all nice & smooth & shiny noww :D love it!)
met up with my lovely close friends (屁孩幫) for a few times
(hopefully i will see other cuties as well and yeah, i'm sure i will be seeing 屁孩幫 a lot)
had a couple of family dinners already
and most importantly, get my internship settled and ready to start tomorrow!! woot!
all these happened within the first half week of life in taiwan!!!!
quite amazing huh :)
however, a side effect of having all the fun / seeing lots of old friends crammed in a short period of time is that I actually feel kind of restless.
not like physicall; more mentally unrest.
after getting into college and having to start thinking about future career, intern, part-time jobs etc, each of us have different errands and different schedule
it's harder to have time to hang out with those lovely kids... at least it's harder than last summer or the summer before.
last summer my grandmother past away; the summer before i was supposedly preparing for SAT. both summers were supposed to be pretty busy, but i can still somehow manage to play around.
however, i felt different this summer.
i feel more responsibilities and more obligations in my internship, and in many other stuff- spending time with family members, learning more talents and things, hanging out with and getting to know college friends who are relatively new to my life more, etc.
furthermore, even though it doesn't seem like much a difference before, but as we all became college students and more engaged in our personal things.
seriously, all the time i wasn't in taiwan really matters.
i missed out on lots of things, and they are not easy to compensate.
however, i need to realize the fact that eventually, i will be come more engaged in the life in US...these lovely kids, no matter how much i love them, would eventually become a minor part of my life. no matter i wish it to happen or not.
i know this is eventually going to happen. and i think we are all starting to get a taste of it--can we still maintain our intimate friendship even if we can't see each other/ even talk to each other frequently? can we still be as close without feeling the need of trying to satisfy some certain things? is the bond between us tight enough?
i have faith in myself. i have faith in you guys as well.


thank you!!!!!!